Business & Economy KZ

More than 90% of government services digitalized in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan ranks 8th in the world in the development of online services. In 2023, 50 million services were provided online and citizens received 92% of services without leaving their homes, the Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan, Bagdat Musin said, summing up the results of Digital Almaty-2024 forum held last week.

“We now have a huge e-government ecosystem that includes government portals and banking applications and is starting to include other services and startups. As a government, we provide many tools for creating products and services. As one of the leaders in Govtech, we see a responsibility to share our skills and even finished products,” said Musin.

Speaking at the forum, Kazakhstan Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov said that today “we are witnessing the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies, robotization, and digital transformation of human life processes. Today, digitalization has optimized all these processes. More than 90% of government services are now available electronically. Thanks to the Digital Family Card, the data of 6.3 million Kazakh families have been digitized. In general, 40 types of government services are provided in a proactive format,” the Prime Minister said.

Smailov also shared Kazakhstan’s plans to become a key participant in the “Silk Road” of the digital world. To solve the problem of qualified IT personnel, the TechOrda program was launched, which allows people aged 18-45 to learn a new IT profession in the shortest possible time. To date, more than 6,000 people have received IT training.

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