Business & Economy KZ

Italian companies interested in projects in Kazakhstan

On May 30 in Rome, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu held a series of meetings with the heads of major Italian companies interested in the development of investment, trade and economic cooperation with Kazakhstan.

At the meeting with Stefan Pontecorvo, President of the transnational company Leonardo, the parties addressed the possibilities of realization of projects in the spheres of aviation industry and agro-industrial complex. The Italian side proposed a system of management of agriculture related to water, soil fertility for the rational use of natural resources, as well as mining on the basis of aerospace technology.

Opportunities for cooperation in the production of personal protective equipment, including respiratory protection equipment, and localization of production of key elements of safety equipment in Kazakhstan were discussed with the President of Dpi Sekur Vittorio De Blaziis.

During the talks with the General Director of PetrolValves S.p.A Sandro Malkori, the parties discussed the expansion of investment activities of this company in Kazakhstan. In particular, the manufacturer of high-tech valves plans to increase production volumes and increase the Kazakhstani content in its products.

The meeting with the general director of Agroittica company Carla Sora was devoted to the realization of the investment project on cultivation of sturgeon species of fish in Kazakhstan. Agroittica is a major producer of sturgeon fish farming and black caviar production.

During talks with the President of the Curator company, Fabio Pompei, the parties considered the prospects for expanding cooperation in the field of water resources management. Curator is interested in the implementation of the projects on digitalization of water supply systems, reducing energy consumption required for water distribution, as well as reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

The Kazakh Foreign Minister also held a meeting with the General Director of NEOS Airlines in Kazakhstan, President of the Italian-Kazakh Trade Association Marco Beretta. The project “Road to Kazakhstan”, aiming at raising public awareness of Kazakhstan in Italy and promoting the country as a major tourist and cultural center in the region was presented to Minister Nurtleu.

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