Eurasian Star Blog Geo Politics Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to expand allied relations
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Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to expand allied relations

Kazakhstan intends to sign an agreement with Kyrgyzstan on deepening and expanding allied relations. The draft decree of the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev “On the signing of an agreement on deepening and expanding allied relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic” was published on the Open Regulatory Legal Acts portal.

The agreement will give additional impetus to the “comprehensive development of bilateral interaction in the political, economic, investment, transit and transport, water and energy, scientific, technical, cultural and humanitarian spheres between Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic”.

According to the draft treaty, the parties are expanding and deepening cooperation in countering new challenges and threats to security, including terrorism, extremism and separatism, transnational organized crime, cybercrime, illegal migration, human trafficking, illicit trafficking in weapons, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.

In order to strengthen transport connectivity, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan “are expanding and deepening cooperation in the development of international transport corridors, including roads and railways, running through their territories”.

The parties will also strengthen cooperation in the field of “efficient use of water resources and take measures to create a mutually beneficial mechanism for water and energy cooperation”.

The document also provides for joint actions by the two countries in case of external military threats.

According to the draft treaty, in a situation that “represents a threat of armed attack from third states, the parties will immediately hold appropriate consultations with each other, both bilaterally and within the framework of international organizations of which they are members, with a view to adopting measures conducive to its peaceful settlement.”

The document states that Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan “confirm their commitment not to participate in any blocs or alliances, and also refrain from participating in any actions directed against the other party.”

The territories and resources of both countries should not be used “for the purpose of preparing or carrying out aggression or other hostile actions against the other party, as well as to the detriment of the state sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the other party.”

Also, according to the draft agreement, Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic undertake to prevent the use on their territories of “communication systems and other infrastructure by third states for the purpose of preparing or carrying out armed actions against the other party.”

The draft document also provides for strengthening the economic relations between the two countries, in particular “by creating favorable conditions for mutual access of goods, services and investments, their protection in the territories of their states, and the implementation of joint investment projects.”

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